News & Stories

December 18, 2017 News

One Question, Eight Reflections

The Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF) and the Living Church Foundation asked eight ECF Fellows this question: How can we form faithful leaders for tomorrow’s Church? Their answers appeared the Living Church Foundation's weblog, the Covenant.

Audra Abt (2015) - Leaders show up

Kelly Brown Douglas (1983) - Leading into God's future

Bob Leopold (2015) - Leading the Church to the margins

Mark Richardson (1990) - Leadership at the crossroads

Cynthia Kittredge (1990) - Setting tables in the wilderness

Altagracia Pered-Bullard (2010) - Leadership transformed, and transforming

George Sumner (1989) - Back to the future

Joseph Wolyniak (2012) - Contending for the faith once delivered

Since 1964 the Episcopal Church Foundation has supported over 200 scholars and ministry leaders throughout the Episcopal Church, fostering innovation in theological formation and ministerial leadership in challenging times.To learn more about the ECF Fellows progra, including how to apply for the 2018 Fellowship, click here.
