News & Stories

September 4, 2018 Impact story

A stewardship message from the President of ECF

Dear friends,

Thanksgiving knows no season, which is why stewardship needs to be a year-round, life-long practice. Stewardship is our joyful and loving response to God’s abundant generosity and an opportunity, as Christian disciples, to discern how we use all the gifts we have been given to support and advance God’s mission on earth.

Since we believe that God will always provide, our faith communities should develop practices that promote stewardship as the core of our Christian witness and spiritual formation. Adopting a broad stewardship statement and creating meaningful opportunities for year-long conversations will lead to a greater commitment among our members, a healthier attitude about money, and, yes, enhanced giving. Consider incorporating the themes of time, talent and treasure in book clubs, rector’s forums, Christian education classes and new member orientation sessions. Also, remember that gratitude promotes greater generosity so we need ongoing opportunities to thank our people for sharing their gifts.

Please know that we at the Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF) are here to help you in this important work and ministry of stewarding our resources. We want to hear your stories and learn how we can be partners in supporting your mission and ministry. Below, you will find information on specific ways ECF can make this happen.

We hope and pray that your season of stewardship is blessed with joyous hearts and a generosity of spirit.


Donald V. Romanik

Annual Giving and Development
Consultation, training and support for congregations and dioceses in annual giving rooted in the theology of fundraising. Contact Louise Baietto at [email protected] to learn more.

Capital Campaigns
Customized consultation to raise financial resources for physical assets that revitalize the community and enhance ministries. Contact Louise Baietto at [email protected] to learn more.

Donor Solutions
Donor-advised funds, charitable gift annuities, and other innovative opportunities for individuals to meet their charitable goals. Contact Jim Murphy at [email protected] to learn more.

ECF Vital Practices
Web-based resource,, that includes Vestry Papers articles and practical resources. Enter the keyword “stewardship” in the search bar for an array of resources, tools and articles on the subject. Contact Charis Bhagianathan at [email protected] to learn more.

Endowment Management Solutions (EMS)
Professional consultation and technical assistance to structure and grow endowments to support ministries. Contact Ken Quigley at [email protected] to learn more.

Lilly Endowment National Initiative
Practical tools and support to help address the financial and leadership challenges of congregational ministry in the 21st century. Contact Kate Adams at [email protected] to learn more.

Planned Giving
Educational, planning and technical assistance for planned giving programs to ensure resources for future ministry. Contact Jim Murphy at [email protected] to learn more.

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