
Welcome to Endowment Management Resources

For 25 years, ECF has enabled effective endowment management for hundreds of Episcopal churches, dioceses, schools, and church-related organizations who seek to honor the past and build the future. Our comprehensive approach to endowment management, with support for developing structure, enabling investment, and generating new gifts, sets us apart from many investment advisors.


As an Episcopal nonprofit, we are committed to empowering the lay leaders who oversee endowment and investment funds, and we are pleased to share these resources with you. Our guidance is rooted in the principles of sound endowment management plus our experience with hundreds of Episcopal organizations of all kinds from across the country. We update these materials regularly and would also be pleased to talk with you directly.

Sample Endowment Policies

These policies are the foundation for sound endowment management and include vestry/board resolutions, an investment policy statement, and gift acceptance policies. Please email [email protected] for a copy and let us know what Episcopal organization you are with. We can help you consider how to adapt them for your church/organization or how to update your existing policies.